| General Cleaner/Housekeeper - Full time. $12.00/hr, Mon-Sat - San Antonio, TX - AHI Facility Services, Inc

General Cleaner/Housekeeper - Full time. $12.00/hr, Mon-Sat

AHI Facility Services, Inc - San Antonio, TX
AHI Facility Services strives to provide cost-effective world class integrated facility services to commercial building owners and/or managers nationwide, while simultaneously providing their employees, tenants and visitors a clean environment in which to work, office and visit.
AHI Facility Services se esfuerza por brindar servicios de instalaciones integrados de clase mundial a propietarios de edificios comerciales y / o gerentes a nivel nacional, al mismo tiempo que provee a sus empleados, inquilinos y visitantes un ambiente limpio donde trabajar, y visitar.

General cleaner/Limpiador general

Duties include, but are not limited to:/Los deberes incluyen, pero no se limitan a"
Picking up Trash/Recoger y tirar basura
Dusting and Vacuuming/Limpiar el polvo y aspirar alfombras
Cleaning Offices and Bathrooms/Limpiar oficinas y banos
Walking / Standing for up to 4-8 consecutive hours/Caminar y permanecer de pie por hasta 4-8 horas consecutivas
Lifting up to 25-50 lbs./Levantar de 25-50 libras
Walking up and down steps/Subir y bajar escaleras
Other duties as assigned/Otros deberes asignados
Additional Information/Benefits


This job reports to the Project Manager
this is a Full and Part-Time position 1st Shift, 2nd Shift, Weekends, 3rd Shift
